
This is a little more advanced stuff here. The layman and typical pet owner will find this mostly indecipherable. This particular page is meant as a guide for experienced owners and other trainers interested in the progressions used in our system at Simpawtico.

Simpawtico’s training system is based on building a modular, pattern-based system. Then, the vast majority of the training and behavior modification we do deploys specific iterations of the patterns. Thus, all of the work we do uses a consistent “operating system.”

Key to terms:

Also please understand that OC and CC are inseparable. You cannot operantly condition without also classically conditioning at the same time.

We have video articles complimenting the maps and give you strategies to execute them: Designing Progressions, and Speed & Patience.

Finally, please familiarize yourself with Simpawtico’s Master keys, which encapsulate several of the patterns we deploy into the progressions here.


  1. Charging the name (CC)
  2. Pinging (OC)
  3. Tap Prompts (OC)
  4. Bonus: praise time (CC)

This progression is fleshed out in more detail in the “Teaching Your Dog Their Name” post.


  1. Consider S³: structure, schedule, and supervision (E/Mx)
  2. Variant energy and modular reward-events (OC)
  3. Practice 3/10 cycles (OC, E/Mx)
  4. Understand and implement the SSO triad (spatial, substrate, and olfactory) (OC. E/mx)
  5. Short-circuit the “valet call” (D/R+)

The potty training process is explained in detail in Simpawtico’s “Potty Training Decoded” eBook. Get it today!


  1. Food in hand, Immediate Cessation (OC)
  2. Food in hand, duration (“Wait & See”) (OC)
  3. Food on floor, covered w/hand, duration (OC)
  4. Food on floor, covered w/foot, duration (OC)
  5. Food on floor, dropped or tossed, duration (OC)
  6. Introduce non-food decoys in various contexts (may need to repeat previous steps with new decoys) (OC)
  7. In-motion, on-leash past food bowl and/or decoys (OC)
  8. In-motion, off-leash past food bowl and/or decoys (OC)
  9. Proofing and Finishing (incl. “Ambush training”)

Leave it is also part of our “Holy Trinity of Mouth Control:” Take it+Leave It+Drop It.


  1. Engagement (OC, CC)
  2. Hand signal + lure (LRT)
  3. Verbal –> Signal as followup, no lure (OC)
  4. Duration in position (OC, dovetails into Stays)
  5. Position transitions: Sit-Down-Sit-Stand-Down-Stand (LRT)
  6. Position transitions + distance (OC, CC: distal–>proximal)
  7. Proofing and Finishing

Adjunct strategies:

  • Practice on platform, kuranda bed, or stair landing for position accuracy (especially Stand)
  • Foot target training for body awareness
  • Add terminal positions Front, Heel, and/or Place to proof Sit. Do position changes from these.
  • Swap in other positions to the change routine to proof all of them: Rollover, Play Dead, etc.


  1. Randomly timed duration in position (Sit, Down, or Stand) (OC)
  2. Verbal –> Distance (step+rock) (OC)
  3. Verbal –> Distance (full steps) (OC)
  4. Verbal –> Distance (off-angle/funny walks) (OC)
  5. Verbal –> Distance (out of sight) (OC)
  6. Verbal –> Distance + Distraction (OC)
  7. Proofing and Finishing (mega D3 proofing) (OC)

Pet dog benchmarks:

  • Sit-Stay: 90 seconds, minimum 10 feet
  • Down-Stay: 3 minutes, minimum 20 feet
  • Stand-Stay: 30 seconds, minimum 5 feet
  • Heel-Stay: 2nd person can approach, shake hands, hand off package, pet dog

Adjunct Strategies:

  • Differentiate Working Down (Sphinx) from Obedience Down
  • Proof Stay in other positions besides just S, D, St: Place, Supine, etc.


  1. Engagement (OC, CC)
  2. Habituation to equipment (D/CC)
  3. Loose Pre-Heel in neutral environment, straight lines (OC)
  4. Heel-sits in turns (OC)
  5. Heel-sits in straightaways
  6. Transition to outside, U-Turns in straight lines
  7. Add-on: Heel-sits for petting
  8. Add-on: Speed Control (Hurry + Easy) (LRT)
  9. Proofing and Finishing

Adjunct Strategies:

  • Tension control and leash handling—both are imperative handler skills
  • Front foot work with raised targets for hind-end body awareness
  • Come-Fores, Come-Fronts, and/or Runaway Recalls (OC)

HEELING (for Pet dogs)

  1. Heel Position, both left and right finishing (LRT) (developed and proofed like a position)
  2. Squares
    • From Heel position, one step forward –> rotate (outside) 90º (LRT)
    • One step to the side –> rotate (outside) 90º (LRT)
    • One step forward –> rotate (inside) 90º (LRT)
    • One step to the side –> rotate (inside) 90º (LRT)
    • Repeat with rotations of 180º, 270º, and 360º (LRT)
  3. 10 step straightaways + correct head position + heel-sits (OC)
  4. Reverse
  5. Proofing and Finishing

Adjunct strategies:

  • Work against barriers (walls, fences, curbs, etc)
  • Come-to-Heel and/or Come-to-Finish
  • Hind-end awareness via foot targets + power steering exercises
  • Back Up via LRT


  1. Until your recall is reliable, use safety layers—leashes, drag-lines, back-ties, fences, gates, etc (E/Mx)
  2. Engagement (OC, CC)
  3. Habituation to equipment (D/CC)
  4. Prerequisite: Name-Recognition
  5. Free-Call Drills (OC)
  6. Optional: Restrained Recalls (OC)
  7. Call Aways (OC)
  8. Call Offs (OC)
  9. Proofing and Finishing
  10. Adding Terminal Behaviors

Adjunct strategies:

  • Back-chain retrieves with developmental Tug training
  • Name recognition work
  • Runaway Recall Drills during walking work or in distraction-free areas
  • Developmental/bonding games, e.g. Hide & Seek


  1. Excellent environmental management (E/Mx)
  2. Differential Reinforcement for Alternate, Other, or Incompatible behaviors (D/R+)
  3. Put behavior on cue (LRT or AONRT)
  4. Build intermediate duration in behavior (OC)
  5. Behavior —> opposite behavior + differential reward events (LRT)
  6. Build duration in opposite behavior and attach cue (OC)
  7. Fade intermediate support of original behavior
  8. Proofing and Finishing

Adjunct strategies:

  • Extinction (hard to do—many annoying behaviors are resistant to extinction; differential reinforcement more effective)
  • Ruthless consistency


  1. Habituation to crate (D/CC)
  2. Crate games (OC)
  3. Work-to-Eat toys in the crate for meals (CC)
  4. Duration building (OC)
  5. Finishing (exits, troubleshooting, etc)

Adjunct strategies:


  1. While you’re working, do not put your dog in unsafe situations, or in situations where they will go over threshold (E/Mx)
  2.  Prerequisites
    • Free-Engagement
    • Auto-Sits
    • Tension-Control skill (human)
    • Simpawtico’s Snapback Routine™
    • Good understanding of canine body language
    • Optional: Developmental toy training (Tug or Fetch)
  3. Dog moving, decoys stationary (D/CC, OC)
  4. Dog stationary, decoys moving (D/CC, OC)
  5. Mirroring (D/CC, OC)
  6. Passbys (D/CC, OC)
  7. Proofing and Finishing

Are you ready to start training with SIMPAWTICO?

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